August 21, 2008

Check out Kernels of Truth at State Fair

The Nebraska State Fair kicks off tomorrow with its annual celebration of all things Nebraska. If you're going to Lincoln to enjoy the food, rides and entertainment, be sure to stop by Ag Hall to see the Nebraska Corn Board and Nebraska Corn Growers display featuring the Kernels of Truth.

Kernels of Truth includes a series of messages designed to explain the value of corn in common products at the grocery store. Messages also include the farmer value of those specific products. The booth is interactive, allowing you to guess the value of corn in a product and then guess how much money the farmer gets.

Since the Corn Board and Growers put out a news release with answers to one product -- Kernel of Truth Milk -- I'll include the answer here: When corn is $5 a bushel, there’s only 16 cents of corn in a gallon of milk, while the dairy farmer only receives $1.55 for the same gallon that’s sold in the store for about $4.00.

For Kernel of Truth eggs, soda, corn flakes and meat, you'll have to visit the display in Ag Hall.

Do you know how much the diesel costs to bring a box of cereal to the store? Come to the State Fair and find out! (Hint: It's triple the cost of corn in the cereal.)

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