Nebraska corn that was dented reached 19 percent, compared to the average of 30 percent. With 76 percent of the state’s crop in good to excellent condition, however, Nebraska’s crop looks generally outstanding although a bit behind. Crop conditions remain equal to or ahead of last year in Nebraska and across the entire Corn Belt.
For more details on Nebraska’s crop conditions be sure to visit the Nebraska Corn Board’s Crop Progress Update page.
Nationally, 49 percent of the crop is in dough stage, versus the five-year average of 68 percent; 14 percent is dented, versus the average of 30 percent; and 67 percent of the crop is in good to excellent condition, compared to 54 percent last year. Here's this weeks info from USDA.
The photo below was provided by the Imperial FFA Chapter. It shows storm clouds rolling across a field, from a unique viewpoint on the top of a center pivot.
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