June 25, 2010

Building 600,000 bushels of corn storage in 2 minutes

I don't know about you, but I love these kinds of videos. In this case they feature concrete grain storage silos being constructed right here in Nebraska -- one set of silos in Sedan and another just west of Aurora (at Aurora West). Both are being built by Aurora Cooperative (read about the company's grain terminal expansion project here).

This first video was built from snapshots taken every 90 seconds for 122 hours -- the length of the pour. The cooperative said the silos will hold 600,00 bushels of grain and have a total height of 140 feet. Every three minutes the slip, which holds the concrete, moves up 1 inch (it takes 12 yards of concrete per 1 foot of height).

Once you start pouring you can't stop until you're done. That meant a lot of work for the two crews working 12-hour shifts.

For a 3-minute video of construction at Aurora West, click here. It features trains coming and going -- and a lightening strike. Great stuff.

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