May 18, 2009

Flashback to 1909 for perspective on anti-ethanol news conference

DTN's Chris Clayton has a great blog post - find it here - that details an Environmental Working Group's news conference that begrudged biofuels, especially corn-based ethanol, and the desire to increase the ethanol blend rate up to 15 percent.

In his post, Clayton takes creative liberties and writes as if the news conference was held 100 years ago - and EWG is lambasting a newfangled invention: Henry Ford's Model T.

Along the way, he dispels a couple of myths - and points out the ridiculousness of EWG's logic.

Clayton must have remembered that EWG was and continues to be a member of the Grocery Gang, which attacked corn ethanol last year with a high dollar campaign inside the Beltway and in certain pockets across the country. (With a lot of myths, half truths and misinformation.)

Here are a couple of paragraphs from the top of the post:

Today, we go back to May 18, 1909, at a news conference held by the Environmental Working Group. The EWG, new to the lobbying scene, wants to highlight some concerns about a new mode of transportation and its research showing that the so-called "automobile" will not function in the modern world.

According to EWG research, it is impractical to attempt to displace the U.S. reliance on the horse with this new vehicle known as the Model T. EWG wants to demonstrate some of the fallacies of attempting to continue trying to mass produce these four-wheeled vehicles and the negative impacts they could have on the country's economic future.

And here's how Clayton wraps up the post - flash forwarding to 2009:

OK, I'm kind of in a nasty mood today, but if gasoline and the Model T went through the ringer a century ago like we put biofuels through right now, we'd all have mustangs, just not the kind with a 5-speed transmission.

It is well worth a read - just click on the link above.

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