The Nebraska Corn Growers Association is a membership organization whose mission is to advocate and educate on behalf of the corn industry. Sousek said NeCGA's predecessors can be commended for their leadership and foresight when the approached the Unicameral in 1978 to pursue the creation of a checkoff program for Nebraska corn. "They understood the concept of paying it forward for the next generation and succeeded in establishing the Nebraska corn checkoff, which is overseen by the Nebraska Corn Board," he said.
For 34 years, he said, the Corn Board has exhibited an exceptional ability to prioritize and utilize the resources available to it. However, the research, market development, education and promotion needed to keep Nebraska corn competitive on a national and international level is not achievable under the current checkoff rate.
During testimony on the bill, Sousek said he explained that Nebraska Corn Growers members are farmers who are passionate and committed to the Nebraska corn industry and Nebraska agriculture – and that they are willing to pay the financial dues and have made a commitment of time to advocate for our industry and the state as a whole.
He said Nebraska corn farmers often ask "why aren’t we doing more?" Passing LB 1057 will "help us be able to do more," he said. "We will be able pay it forward and positively impact all sectors of Nebraska agriculture."
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