Also, producers in many areas started irrigating their row crops last week. The number of days suitable for fieldwork were 6.4. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 4 percent very short, 28 short, 66 adequate, and 2 surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 8 percent very short, 26 short, 65 adequate, and 1 surplus.
Corn conditions rated 2 percent very poor, 5 poor, 17 fair, 52 good, and 24 excellent. Corn silking was 62 percent, ahead of 45 last year, but near 60 average. Corn dough was 8 percent, ahead of 0 last year but near 6 average

Data for this news release were provided at the county level by USDA Farm Service Agency and UNL Extension Service.
Dodge County growers have the pivots running. Soil moisture sensors reaching trigger points this week.