March 27, 2009

Podcast: Corn production is more sustainable than ever

In this Podcast, John Shiers of the Nebraska Corn Growers Association talks about the significant improvements in corn production over the years - in terms of sustainability. For example, the Kearney farmer notes that:
  • In 2008 it took 40 percent less land and 50 percent less energy to produce a bushel of corn than it did in 1987.
  • Irrigation water applied per acre declined by about 50,000 gallons through the most recent survey year - and when you consider that yields have moved up about 40 percent during the last 20 years, that means we’re getting a whole lot more bushels of corn with a lot less water.
  • Soil loss per acre is down a significant 43 percent over the last 20 years.


  1. Corn production is more sustainable than ever. In relationship to past generations that had to cultiviate numerous times, and work the soil prior to planting, now we use no till or minimum till which saves energy, water, reduces erosion, and all the time we produce more. We have literally created an additional 20 million acres since the 1940's by increasing our yields. Thanks to biotechnology, new equipment technology and the American farmers willingness to invest and adapt.

  2. Yes...Don is right. Why don't more people see this? And understand this?
