The Nebraska Corn Board and Nebraska Soybean Board hosted the event at HHD to recognize the contributions of Nebraska farmers and agribusinesses to the nation’s biofuel industry.
“The renewable fuels sector has been a tremendous asset in furthering economic development, particularly in our rural communities,” Heineman said. “This industry has added strength to our agriculture industry, created job and education opportunities for our residents, and brought new investment to our rural areas. Nebraska’s role as a major producer of biofuels is also helping American drivers reduce our dependence on foreign oil.”
In a Q/A afterward, Heineman was asked about the corn ethanol industry and some of the bumps in the road that sector has seen in the past year.
"Corn based ethanol is going to be the future of ethanol for a long period of time," Heineman answered. He added that we need to remember the $4 gasoline of last year and the importance of reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
In a news release, The Nebraska Corn Board and Nebraska Soybean Board noted that the proclamation is a reminder of the importance Nebraska plays in the renewable fuels sector, both as a production center and broad adopter of renewable fuels.
“Nebraska is the second-largest ethanol producing state in the country, which means we’re helping fuel the country with a renewable, clean burning fuel. At the same time, those ethanol facilities are producing a high-quality feed for our livestock industry, further adding to the benefits of corn ethanol production," said Seward farmer Alan Tiemann, chairman of the Nebraska Corn Board (left in the photo).
Tiemann added that ethanol production across the country is at an all time high and headed toward 10.5 billion gallons by year-end.
Weston farmer Gregg Fujan, chairman of the Nebraska Soybean Board (right in the photo), noted that as farmers head out to harvest bumper crops this year, many will be fueling their equipment with soy biodiesel and vehicles with ethanol – so it makes sense for corn and soybean farmers to work together for Renewable Fuels Awareness Month.
“The soybean checkoff has invested more than $60 million into the research, development and promotion of soy biodiesel fuel over the past 12 years. This commitment has created one of the fastest growing alternative fuels in the country today and has created opportunities for a new industry right here in Nebraska,” Fujan said. “Because biodiesel is only made from the oil portion of the bean, soy biodiesel production and use continues the reliable and consistent supply of soybean meal that livestock producers depend on.”

A good crowd turned out to hear Governor Heineman talk about the importance of ethanol and soy biodiesel to Nebraska. (Click photo for a larger image.)
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