April 24, 2008

Cost of raising corn rising

It's not just diesel fuel and gasoline prices that are up. So is Phosphorus. So is anhydrous ammonia. So is seed. All the things a good corn grower needs to grow a good crop.

According to estimates, costs are up 17-18 percent, led by the sharp price increases for fuel and fertilizer. Diesel fuel is up more than 30 percent, phosphorus prices are up 180-200 percent and anhydrous has continued its steady rise, up 60-70 percent since 2006. That puts anhydrous ammonia at more than $700 per ton this spring, phosphorus more than $1,000 per ton and diesel more than $4.00 a gallon. At least some producers can take advantage of livestock manure -- but it does cost a lot to haul it any distance. So if you're a corn grower, make friends with your neighborhood livestock and poultry producer and maybe you can work something out.

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