I am Brooke Tempel, your new Nebraska Corn Growers Association intern for the next 2017-2018 year. I am going to be a senior at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln this coming fall, where I am majoring in Agricultural Education with minors in Agribusiness, Ag Economics and Horticulture. I grew up on an acreage west of Seward, NE. Growing up I was involved in 4-H and FFA. These programs sparked my interest in agricultural and persuaded me to pursue a career in agriculture. Although I never had the opportunity to grow up on a farm myself and personally experience the farm firsthand, I understand the impact that our local farmers and ranchers make in our community and world. I am excited to be able to advocate for our local producers and share their story through this internship.
In the first month of working here at the NeCGA office, I have learned a lot. My first week started off by attending an E85 American Ethanol Promo at the Kum & Go Station in Gretna. We teamed up with the Nebraska Ethanol Board and the Nebraska Corn Board. Governor Pete Ricketts also joined to help pump fuel and educate consumers on ethanol. I learned that many consumers lack an understanding of the benefits that ethanol provides to our environment and our producers, or they are skeptical of using something they are not familiar with.

I have also been busy helping Morgan contact potential sponsors for the annual Corn Grower Open, July 24th in Kearney at Meadowlark Hills Golf Course. I am excited to take on this project and can’t wait to see the final product of getting everything organized and ready to go! If you are a NeCGA member you can still register your team by July 14th!
Other highlights of my internship have been getting to meet local corn growers at numerous events and supporting Domino’s Pizza for standing up for agricultural practices by saying “We will never tell a farmer how to farm. We will never tell a rancher how to raise his or her animals,” said McIntyre. “What we believe is they’re the experts. They have the most vested interest in raising their livestock. It’s not just a job, we recognize that. It’s a life and we appreciate that—and we’re not afraid to stand up and say it.” – Tim Mclntyre EVP of Communications Domino’s Pizza

It has been a fun-filled month here at NeCGA and I looked forward to the adventures ahead. I have learned considerably a lot about NeCGA and Nebraska Corn. Everyone here has been very welcoming and I could not ask for better people to work with.
Brooke Tempel
Nebraska Corn Growers Association
1111 Lincoln Mall #308
Lincoln, NE 68508
Office: 402.438.6459
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