June 16, 2014

Partnerships pay off


Bryan Brower, USGC-DCBy Bryan Brower, US Grains Council Intern

Hello from D.C.!

Whirlwind. There is no better word to describe my experience in D.C. these past two weeks. It has been a welcomed change of scenery from my previous summers in Omaha and Lincoln. Well for the most part, my commute is 50 minutes door to door on a good day (and I'm convinced it's against the law to smile on the metro), and the weather in D.C. is either a downpour or unbearable humidity, still need to get myself an umbrella. But that is where to drawbacks begin and end.

The partnership between the Nebraska Corn Board and the U.S. Grains Council has at least made one kid's dreams come to realization. I've always wanted an opportunity to be in D.C. and being able to work for a non-profit organization that has such far-reaching impacts is quite humbling. Working under the direction of the membership and communications departments, generally, I am tasked with the initial work that goes into some of the programs and projects we sponsor to promote our members' interests and all the various publications we issue. It's refreshing, the latitude and flexibility of my work, which makes each day interesting as I have been immersed in a range of Council efforts. Consequently, I have gained a full appreciation and humility for the work the U.S. Grains Council does, representing U.S. agricultural interests abroad and promoting the industry of agriculture as a whole. Being from Omaha with little knowledge of or experience with agriculture, my work at the Council has given me a certain perspective of Nebraskan farmers, whom I am extremely proud to represent.

Believe it or not, a 21-year-old is also able to have a little fun here! I live in Georgetown in a "row house" which is essentially just a block-long row of connecting houses. Befriending my roommates didn't take long and we've been having a great time. It's been especially nice living with Georgetown students who know what to do and where to go for dinner or a drink. Experiencing all of Georgetown will take more than the two weeks I've been here, but I've enjoyed every second so far. Being in the Nation's capitol, I'm ecstatic for the World Cup and 4th of July!
Bryan (3)

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