Two new board members were appointed to the
Nebraska Corn Board at the start of the 2013-14 fiscal year. David Bruntz, farmer from Friend, Neb. was appointed to District 1, and Debbie Borg, farmer from Allen, Neb., was appointed to District 4.
Newly appoint board members:
Debbie Borg & David Bruntz |
David Bruntz, and his wife, Ann, raise irrigated and dryland corn and soybeans along with feeding cattle. He has served as President of the Nebraska Cattlemen, regional Vice President of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), as well as on the executive committee for NCBA. Bruntz has served 15 years on the local coop board and on the Friend Area Foundation. In addition to his role on the Corn Board, he is currently on the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Foundation.
Debbie Borg is a partner in TD Borg Farms, a 5th generation family farm, raising corn, soybeans, alfalfa and backgrounding cattle. Besides serving on the board, Borg has been involved in the Nebraska Soybean Association, Nebraska Farm Bureau, Nebraska AgRelations Council, Syngenta Young Leader program and numerous volunteer organizations within her community, FFA and 4-H. She has been married to her husband, Terry, for 18 years and they have three children, Hannah, Heidi and Hunter.
New Officer Team (l to r):
David Merrell, Tim Scheer, Curt Friesen and Alan Tiemann |
With the addition of two new board members, the Nebraska Corn Board met on August 13 and elected officers, during their meeting in Lincoln, Neb.
Tim Scheer, District 5 director from St. Paul, Neb., was elected to remain chairman of the board. This will be Scheer’s second term to serve as board chairman.
Curt Friesen, District 3 director from Henderson, Neb., was elected to remain vice-chairman of the board for his second term.
David Merrell, District 7 director from St. Edward, was elected to remain secretary/treasurer of the board for his second term.
Alan Tiemann, at-large director from Seward, Neb., will remain to serve as the past-chairman of the board, for his second term also.
“The Nebraska corn industry has some great new leaders representing them with Dave and Debbie on the board,” said Don Hutchens, executive director of the Nebraska Corn Board. “They, along with our officer team, will play a dynamic role in helping the Nebraska economy through its market development, research, promotion and education, and in supporting the mission and vision for Nebraska’s 23,000 corn producers that pay the corn checkoff.”
Bruntz and Borg’s appointments concluded the service of Dave Nielsen of Lincoln, Neb. (District 1) and Bob Dickey of Laurel, Neb. (District 4).
“I also want to thank Bob and Dave for their years of dedicated service to the 23,000 corn farmers across the state,” added Hutchens. “Both of them brought distinguished leadership and significant ideas that continue to move the board and industry forward.”